We have experienced a wonderful year of growth at Kids On The Move. This past year we had the privilege of providing services to 3,057 children and families. This is an 11% increase over the previous year. It is your donations and support that enable us to expand and reach more children and families. As an organization we send our heartfelt expression of gratitude and appreciation.

Each of our five main pillar programs, Autism Center, Early Head Start, Early Intervention, Preschool & Child Care, and Respite Care have seen growth within the communities we serve. Our dedicated team of therapists, teachers, coordinators, administrators, and volunteers see daily victories with individual children and families. These programs bring incredible value to the community and the children we serve.

This work we do is genuinely a labor of love. It is a love for the children and families in our community. We hope you will join us in our efforts to continue providing these services to the community by MAKING A SPASH and giving generously through your time, in-kind, as well as monetary donations.