After 40 Years, We Are Just Getting Started

Autism Center

We provide over 55K hours of ABA Therapy to Families annually


Over $700,000 in volunteer hours are donated every year.

Autism Center

We provide over 55K hours of ABA Therapy to Families annually

We have big plans to serve more families, and we invite you to join the movement!

Four Decades of Service to Our Community & Families in Need of Support

KOTM empowers families in complex circumstances by providing their children and caregivers access to essential and comprehensive support, education, and therapies vital for development. This breathes hope back into their lives today and lays a foundation for a thriving tomorrow.

With You Every Step of the Journey

Parent Empowerment
Comprehensive Support

Groundbreaking Innovation

No matter the diagnosis, financial status, or need, KOTM stands with every parent and child as they courageously create a future where their child can thrive.

Our Board of Directors

Christy Anderson

Board Chair – Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

​​Kim Santiago

Chair-Elect Registered Nurse

Jonathan Krein

Past Chair – Consultant

Richard Rife

Secretary – Corporate Attorney

Jon Standing

Program Committee Chair – Educator

Robert Parsons

Executive VP and CFO

Kai Khasbaatar

Senior H.I.M Analyst

Ernie Bailey


Alberto Puertas

Academic Advisor

Brennan Tolman

CEO, Tolman Media

At the Heart of KOTM…


Every child can learn, grow, and bring light and love to their family and community. Regardless of diagnosis or story, each child has the right to the resources and support to prepare them and their family for the future.


Driven by our unwavering commitment to exceptional care, we challenge the status quo at every turn. We embrace advancements in education, strive for excellence in staffing, integrate innovative practices, and consistently listen to our families to evolve support and create new solutions.


We courageously and dauntlessly seek new ways to gain and share our expertise to serve more families and communities.


Our word is our bond. We never hesitate to go above and beyond to meet and exceed expectations and requirements for care—we ensure that families can access as many forms of support as possible while being treated with the utmost respect and dignity.


We believe we can achieve the best outcomes when both our team and the parents we work with are empowered and well cared for. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive care initiatives for our employees and caregivers, enhancing their confidence, education, and support. This commitment leads to the best outcomes for the children.


Our families feel seen, known, loved, and heard in a judgment-free environment. They know they will find the support and education to spark hope and pursue the impossible.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Name & Title

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Therapy. Education. Comprehensive Support.


Innovation. Compassion. Hope.


Today, Kids On The Move continues to provide high quality, comprehensive services to young children and families in our community. The board, the staff, volunteers, and parents connected with our organization continue to expect a bright future for all children and are committed to our mission of supporting the development of young children and families.

A Legacy of Determination & Hope

Karen Hahne and Brenda Winegar never anticipated founding what would evolve into one of the nation’s premier multimillion-dollar nonprofits and a movement of compassion and inclusion for young children with special needs. Their paths converged when both mothers—who had unexpectedly become mothers to two beautiful children with Down syndrome—crossed paths when searching for more comprehensive educational resources for their kids. This was the mid-1980s; the Americans with Disabilities Act was not yet passed, and inclusive school programs were practically nonexistent.  So when both women found no resources for their children Reed and Becca, they decided to create their own and share their discoveries with other parents of special needs kids in their small Utah town.

In 1984, they began meeting with other parents of children with disabilities to combine resources, education, and more. The women believed in the power of parents as the best educators for their children and that if parents could get involved with their children’s education and therapy, the sky could be the limit. Despite initial skepticism and resistance from professionals, their grassroots volunteer group flourished, providing solace and community to parents navigating a discouraging medical landscape that often told them “not to expect too much” from their children. The group met in living rooms, office buildings, church gyms—anywhere that would let them meet. As their children grew and acquired new skills, parents learned and shared techniques and skills with one another.

A turning point came when Karen and Brenda were awarded their first state grant. The women formalized their efforts into a nonprofit organization and changed the name to Kids on the Move, reflecting the potential in every child. Over the years, opportunity after opportunity presented itself to serve vulnerable children and the special needs community, and these two fierce, formidable women continued to find a way to say “yes.” With that came expansions that have resulted in our Autism Center, Preschool and Childcare, Early Head Start program, Respite Care, Early Intervention, and many partnerships with members of the community who share our belief that inclusion is for everyone!

While Karen and Brenda retired in the early 2000s, they undoubtedly laid the path we are walking today. Their passion for vulnerable children, commitment to parental power, and dedication to bridging gaps in care are the cornerstones we have been building upon for four decades. We are forever grateful for their legacy of compassion, fortitude, and hope.

As Seen In


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